+1 909-328-0889

What Not to Do During a Whale Watching Trip

whale watching


Giong on a whale watching trip is an exhilarating experience, offering the chance to witness these majestic creatures in their natural habitat. However, it’s essential to remember that responsible behavior is paramount to ensure the safety of both the whales and the passengers.


Disturbing the Wildlife

One of the most important rules of whale sightseeing is to avoid disturbing the wildlife. This means maintaining a safe distance from the whales and refraining from any actions that could disrupt their natural behavior. Avoid making loud noises, sudden movements, or approaching the animals too closely. Remember that whales are wild creatures, and any interference can cause stress or anxiety, potentially impacting their health and well-being.


Feeding or Attempting to Touch the Whales

Feeding or attempting to touch the whales is strictly prohibited during a whale sightseeing excursion. While it may be tempting to try and get closer to these magnificent creatures, it’s essential to respect their space and refrain from any form of interaction that could be harmful. Feeding the whales can disrupt their natural feeding patterns and may lead to dependency on humans for food, posing long-term risks to their survival in the wild.


Littering or Polluting the Environment

Another important aspect of responsible whale sightseeing is to minimize your impact on the environment. This includes avoiding littering or polluting the ocean with plastics, chemicals, or other harmful substances. Be sure to dispose of any trash properly and adhere to strict waste management practices while onboard the vessel. By keeping the ocean clean and free from pollution, we can help preserve the marine ecosystem and ensure a safe and healthy habitat for whales and other marine life.


Make sure you hire Book Now Adventures if you need to go on a whale watching trip. Find us around Cabo San Lucas, B.C.S where we provide our services to the clients within the area. For more details, call +1 909-328-0889.

Call us: +1 909-328-0889